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Union Printed Shirts
Updated September 2023
Union Made Shirts in collaboration with The Gloo Factory produces quality union printed shirts at amazing prices. We are a sweatshop-free environment in Tucson, Arizona. We stock 15 colors of shirts and have quick turnarounds on large and small orders. Our union printed shirts vary from one color to eight color designs, even full color process, no job is too small or too large for our sweatshop-free, union shop. Visit this catalog for colors and variations.
Have an idea for a design but you’re not sure about the details? Our staff of designers is ready to help you perfect it.
Proud members of CWA Local #7026, we offer you the option of adorning your shirts with our union bug. Always union-made.
Yes, we ship nationwide! Shipping fees apply.
Click here to contact us for a quote today!
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The Gloo Factory’s employees belong to the Communication Workers of America, Local 7026. We strive to model pro-labor union values by maintaining a diverse work force, sourcing our materials from union companies, and promoting pro-labor ethics. We feel it is important for workers around the world to have the right to organize and work in safe, dignified workplaces without discrimination. We are proud to offer our union bug on all our products printed at The Gloo Factory.